Today, Dear Hope is proud to premier the official music video for “If Only”, the debut single from MTV Real Word star Sabrina Kennedy.

The video is inspired by our Consumed photography series that we have been working on since the Fall of 2015. The project aims to use photography and body art to demonstrate the internal battle that people with depression and anxiety face externally, because so much of the stigma and stereotypes surrounding mental health conditions exist because we can’t physically see them the way we see a physical illness.

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But It’s not all in your head. It’s real. And we hope that by spreading awareness and bringing people together through community, art, and story telling we can help people feel like they are not alone – they are loved.

Here’s what Sabrina had to say about “If Only” and her own struggle with depression:

“If Only represents a very hard time in my life where I suffered deeply from depression due to outside forces that I did not understand. My actions at that time were driven by fear and I had zero self esteem. I was the girl that struggled so hard inside to figure it all out and the only aspect of my life that stayed constant and my outlet was music – all I really had was music. 

People and places can, and will, take from you but I learned you have to be extremely strong. Pain is quite a beautiful thing to feel and if people accepted their emotions more we could all help each other. I want this song to show people that it is acceptable to preach about how you are feeling and what you are going through.”

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Find the brand new video below.

Find Sabrina on Twitter and Instagram and listen to the song on Spotify and Itunes.

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