I’m excited as this moves forward. I think it’s worth noting that my main reason for starting this blog was initially for a class I’m taking this semester in college. So some posts will seem more assignment like then others, and I apologize if that makes things a little less cohesive as the weeks go on. But something changed already. I’ve been meaning to start something like this for a while and it’s like as soon as I started posted on here I was flooded with a newfound passion and inspiration to share these kinds of things. If there’s one thing I want to encourage on this blog, it’s a sense of community.

(Assignment Time) What do we all share here?

Three things this community shares…I could probably name a bunch. The most obvious place to start is probably that everyone who is here either has personal or immediate involvement with mental illness. Whether it be depression, anxiety, bipolar (I like to refrain from using the word “disorder”) or anything else. A second thing that everyone has in this community is fight. Because no matter what someone may tell you it is a battle. One that many fight everyday. And sometimes you’re the one fighting. Or maybe you’re fighting for a loved one. Or even, possibly, fighting for someone you barely know. Which brings me to my last shared part of the community. Empathy. This I believe to be true more than anything else. When people are put through these kind of challenges in life they see life itself from a very different perspective. And I know, at least personally, you never want to see someone as low or as in as much trouble as you have been in. In future posts I’ll dive more into empathy and the positive and negative effects in can bring when used too little or too much.

But like I said before, this is a community I hope to start. And I think these are things that we all share. All are welcome.


One comment

  1. Hi Paul, thank you so very much for sharing. I have struggled my entire life so I can empathize. The writing, the examining, the exercising, the staying away from binging, being in community, etc. can all be so helpful. Taking time to in silence and prayer has been such a blessing for me. Time to shut out all the external noise so that I can sort out the “internal” noise. Despite the frustration with this suffering, there has also been great blessings.

    Someone once said that Jesus is never closer to you than when you are at your worst. The issue can be that we are unable or unwilling to notice. I am so thankful that eventually I was able to recognize that He was there and grab onto His outstretched, pierced hand put it to my face and realize I am not alone in this. There’s someone who completely understands, loves me without condition, and will never ever tire of sharing in my struggles and triumphs. And somehow in that I am finding a measure of peace and strength to fight each battle and live.

    You will be in my prayers and may God continue to bless and strengthen you in your journey.


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