Nightingale, oh, Nightingale,
Sing me your song.
You only visit me by moonlight,
When the stars are bright,
And nothing seems wrong.

Why do you only visit me at night?
Am I not worthy of you in the day?
Do I only shine brightly enough for
You when I’m surrounded by my darkness?

Oh Nightingale;
Do you come for the light of the stars
Or to feed off my darkest thoughts?
I answer your call the only way I can,
By giving you everything that you demand.

Nightingale, oh, Nightingale,
Sing me your song.
There’s only a few hours left till dawn,
And then you’ll be gone from me for another night.
But I cherish my day dreams of you, they give me the
will to fight.

Nightingale was submitted by RJ Bingham. You can find him on both Twitter and Instagram to keep up with his thoughts. IMG_20151021_210650

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