To My Ninth Grade Self

I’m so glad you didn’t do it
Let the world drag you down
I know your heart was hurting
Your emotions whirling round

But you made it through
And here we both are
You looking from back then
Me looking from afar

Let me tell you why I’m glad
You sought help when you did
Because you had the strength to fight
When you could’ve cried and hid

Our life right now is great
We’ve gotten our degree
We moved and got a full-time job
I wish that you could see

So thank you for not doing it
Ending it then and their
We would’ve missed out on the summer night
The wind blowing through our hair

And all the different memories
The good ones and the bad
If it had ended then
They’re times we never would’ve had

So one final thanks
From older me to you
I’m glad that you were resilient
I’m glad that we got through


This beautiful, reflective poem comes from Becca W., and we are so happy to share it with you all. Please give some love to Becca in the comments!

Always remember you are not alone.

You are loved.


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